When is it Time to Think About a Web Portal for your Business?

Timing your shift to a web portal is an important step to ensuring you reach the maximum potential possible. Improving your efficiency, keeping customers happy, and streamlining processes that allow you to concentrate on what you do best. 

Whether you’re a small business looking to get the most out of your small team, or you’re a big team looking to free up resources, there are many applications from implementing a web portal, to creating time for new projects and opportunities to take place. 

If you want to find out if it’s time to take your business to the next level, book your discovery call with our team today!

Why It’s Worth Having a Bespoke Web Portal Made Rather Than Using a Plug-in 

When it comes to web portals, businesses may start with the question of whether using a plug-in or having a bespoke portal built is right for them. 

Although plug–ins might fit the bill for some businesses, the only way to ensure you get a portal that does everything you need is through building a bespoke web portal

That’s why at Buzz Interactive we value creating bespoke solutions that work for you, ensuring it does everything you need. Going the extra mile, where a plug-in might not.

The main focus of creating a bespoke portal is to streamline engagement, provide immediate feedback, track progress and save time. As well as the option of using it to manage staff, appointments, and invoicing, to name a few.

How could your business benefit from a Web Portal? 

Considering the benefits a web portal could bring to your business is a good indicator to determine when to start thinking about one. It is important to consider how a web portal will have an impact, from both the users’ point of view, as well as how it would impact you. How the portal could improve your efficiency, and eliminate unnecessary activities. 


How a Web Portal Improved the Efficiency of Reef Water Solutions

Reef Water Solutions initially came to Buzz to find an improvement to their paper-based survey system, which would be handed out by engineers during client visits. We then developed an IOS app, removing the need for their error-prone, lengthy process. 

From seeing first-hand the benefits of tailoring their IOS app to best suit their needs, three years later Reef approached Buzz again to use their bespoke web portal service to transform their entire operational software. The off–the–shelf options were not adequately meeting the company’s criteria, which meant building a bespoke system, that benefits both the clients and the in-house team. The result was a dashboard that manages clients, quotations, jobs, engineers and reports.

Read more about the Reef Case Study.

Five Things to Think About Before Asking For a Portal 

We’ve put together a white paper for things to think about before having a bespoke portal built for your business. We’ve included some of the main points below, you can download the full whitepaper from our Portals page


  • Who would your portal help – It is very important that you are aware of your audience, who would be using your new portal first-hand. This will help to ensure that it is tailored to their needs, creating the best user interface possible. 
  • How will it make your client’s life easier – Is having a portal going to make your client’s life easier? Reducing the chance of them considering another supplier.
  • How could a portal increase your efficiency – As well as looking at how a portal could help from the user’s point of view. It is also important to consider how it could make your life easier and eliminate wasteful activities.
  • What task comes up frequently that a portal could take care of for you – Think about the main tasks that could otherwise be taken care of by the portal. Understanding where you are losing most of your time, where instead you could be being more productive.
  • How would creating a portal align with your future goals for the business – How can it be scalable? Ensuring your portal is something that will help, and grow alongside your business is crucial. This may dictate decisions you make now that will benefit you in years to come.


What Steps Can You Take To Look Into Implementing a Web Portal For Your Business

Whether you know exactly what you want your Web Portal to do, or you’re not quite sure, Buzz can help.

If you would like to discuss options that would best suit your business, our Discovery Phase is a great option. This gives us the opportunity to dig deeper into what your project needs in order to achieve results!

On the other hand, if you would like to get the ball rolling, you can book a consultation with one of our team today.

  • Tesco Mobile
  • Barclays
  • Paterson & Cooke
  • Reef
  • Transport for London

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